Northern kindness?!!!!

We've been hearing worthless reports of Northerners being kind to the captured and treating them like fellow humans. Make no mistake, this is an outright lie.
What you read below is an account of John B. Ernul who I am not wrong in saying may be a northern conspirator.....listen to this:

.... then asked me if my leg was painful, called a doctor who examined my wound and said there were small pieces of bone in the wound which made amputation necessary. I noticed a “Yank” standing near who winked at me, came closer and whispered, “Don’t let that d----butcher take your leg off.” I was then told to take off my equipment. ....The firing then began near us, I was thrown on a horse and all moved off lively for a mile or so. We came to a place where some “Yanks” were cooking and eating. We prisoners were dismounted and were treated very kindly by our captors. The next morning there were seven more prisoners brought into camp, I think they were Georgians, and not slow on the eating line either.

It's outrageous! First he'd have you believe amputations are willy nilly delt out in the hospital? What? And apparently he's starving? In the middle of the agricultural capital of the world? Do I need to list our exports? This is crazy. Lies Lies Lies.
I mean sure, go surrender...see what your brothers, your homes, your slaves.

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