We Will Not Ignore The Past

There is no question that the United States must remain united. History has taught us that the only way we can defend against attacks by England, native people, France, and Spain's proxy Mexico is to remain united. Our country will only survive if we are whole.

With this in mind, there is no other obvious choice but to invade the south and put down this rebellion. The British have had great success in keeping down rebellions in their colonies (other than ours, of course) and the unity of our mini-empire must be maintained at all costs. At this very moment our troops are moving south from Washington to take Richmond, and nothing can stop us.

It's easy to ignore those whiny voices in New York and Boston crying for an end to hostilities, but it's also hard not to see the vast numbers of troops from Maine and Vermont filling up the ranks. George Washington -- the Virginia pansey-boy -- gave up Boston and New York to the British during our Revolution, and we see no reason why his precious Virginia shouldn't suffer a bit if they want to break up the very Union our people suffered and died for. The Brits might have been defeated at Yorktown, but not before Boston and New York, Falmouth and Newark all burned. Maybe Richmond should burn, to show the rebels what it means to rebel.

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