The Battle at Bull Run

It's really a nice day
how was the walk?
or should I say forced march.
your boys know what they're doing yet?
There's nothing nicer than a day out of that swamp in Washington
the boys? they're fine
i think a few of our politicos have come out to watch
having a picnic
kicking your ass will be a picnic
hmmm, that will be the first position we'll fire upon
oh, you think so?
maybe you noticed that we've got about 6K soldiers on your left, stomping your boys
maybe eliminate some of the voices in WA keeping us together
that heintzelman might be an old hack, but he's got you flanked
ru some sicko, rebel? shoot cannons at ladies having a picnic?
we might have a nice picnic ourselves after we chase them and you out of manassas
that will be hard, since your line just collapsed over by Matthews Hill
It's a good thing that train broke down and I can reinforce Beauregard.
or should I say could since I see them holding the line at the river
we should be able to hold that flank attack and regain the line to the northeast
you know what's really annoying?
when you idiots rebelled, you took some of our good army boys. worse, they took their blue uniforms.
i just heard that some of your boys, dressed in blue, have been capturing my guys because they think they're friends
oh yea, I was hoping you wouldn't notice
oh, it looks like Henry House Hill is about to be mine. you've only got one brigade up there now!
do you want us to pick up anything for you while we're in richmond?
Jackson seems to have held the
Sir, we gave you the bayonet!
say hello to my little bayonet
what the hell did you do?
when artillery doesn't succeed, afix bayonets and charge
it seems virginia has some stonewall soldiers
just because he was too stupid to run away
however we can hold the line
wait a minute, you're calling jackson stupid for holding the hill?
this whole thing is just stupid
stupid coward troopers running away
the whole damn thing is stupid
the worst part is that you've ruined some great picnics
washington is just a day's march away
or well I guess in your case a few days away
ha ha very funny
we've got enough forts and big guns around washington to keep you out
maybe we'll just come back tomorrow and try again

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