Fort Sumter Incident

Gentlemen, the southern states, in accordance with the law have, one by one filed their ordinances of secession, with no talk of direct threat of harm or violence to anyone in the 'United States'.
We did not announce any intent to organize an effort to attack the Federal government, or to try to take over the government of the 'United States' for their own purposes.
We have merely
organized to protect ourselves from invasion from Union forces. Union forces I might add that continue to exploit the south for financial gain. It's OK to fill Washington's bank reserves with slave labor profits, but not to have those states fend for themselves.
These are acts of war...these are incidents which lead to a civil war.
Instead we peacefully resigned from the union and set off to form our own government, one that would be more equitable and sympathetic to the heritage of the southern citizen. Is that not every man's right? Why force people to be a part of the Union? They will never in their hearts have allegiance to the North, and certainly will not now, or forever.
You have forced us to organize military forces for protection, we were challenged, invaded and attacked by Federal forces.
Period, the end.
You have a fight on your hands.

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