Just a few thoughts...

Manassas was a major defeat for the you guys and for a first battle, it wasn't half bad on our end. I heard one of your soldiers even say "I'm going home. I've had enough fighting to last my lifetime." We've heard President Lincoln is calling for the enlistment of 100,000 additional troops to serve for three years instead of three months.

This was a wakeup call yanks; this war will not be short. Is the Union prepared to face us for possibly the next three years?

Apparently not with McClellan, as we've heard your own congress is impatient with his lack of action.

President Lincoln, your Union isn't even going to last through the winter. Mr Lincoln even said to the Plainsfield Observer "I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game, Kentucky gone, we cannot hold Missouri, nor, as I think, Maryland. These are all against us, and the job on out hands is too large for us."

How interesting it would be to surround washington with the southern rebel state of Delaware.

I wonder how that would work?

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