lincoln is a tyranical bastard

Dear secessionist sympathizers in Maryland,

I can't believe Lincoln has sent troops to occupy Baltimore....? Where is the mayor and legislators? We have heard reports they have been thrown in jail? And on the evening before the vote on secession? This is an outrage and a sad, sad page of history.
Mr. Lincoln has clearly crossed the line here, this is a perfect example of the kind of government this is setting out to be. First the abolition of slavery is demanded of every independent state, and now our politicians are thrown in jail to prevent a vote on the action of a state? This is madness.
It's obvious the capital would fail without the state behind it, but the wishes of the people were ignored...I don't even know what to say...we are coming brothers.

They are being held without trial...what is this guantanamo 2001-2007?

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